
The Browns :: Mallary and Alvin Brown :: Making Disciples for Jesus

Join Our Partnership Team

You Can Make A Difference In The Lives Of People In The Communities And On The Campuses Across Fort Worth.

Help make a difference, starting today.

Our partnership team consists of people who faithfully give a set amount monthly (or quarterly), with most people graciously starting at $100 per month.

Monthly partnership makes up the vast majority of our team.

In addition to joining our monthly partnership team, we have a team of people that generously give single contributions throughout the year, also known as a special gift — on top of supporting our monthly ministry.

Would you consider joining our partnership team?

Should you have any questions, by all means, please click the “Let’s Talk” button to schedule a short meeting. We can discuss your questions and how your generous partnership can change lives today and for generations to come.

Partnership FAQs

After we are notified of your successful joining of the partnership team from Every Nation Partner Care Department, Mallary and I immediately send you a thank you card and add you to our monthly email newsletter list. The newsletter will keep you up to date on what is being accomplished through your fervent prayers and generous gifts. And periodically, Mallary and I will make every attempt to meet you in person, by phone, or Zoom to cultivate our relationship.

Again, THANK YOU for your faithfulness and generosity! Mallary and I wholeheartedly value our relationship with you as an invaluable partner helping to bring the good news of Jesus to men, women, boys, and girls near and far from God.

Yes, Every Nation is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and is committed to maintaining an organization run with total integrity and transparency. Take a moment to review Every Nation’s financials.

To give online using credit/debit card, give here. You can also call +1-877-877-5585 to speak with a partnership care representative to schedule recurring or single partnership gifts.

If you are giving by check, please make the check payable to Every Nation and write Brown (400010857) in the memo line. Mail check to Every Nation P.O. Box 1787 Brentwood, TN 37024.

Yes, all partnership gifts in USD are tax deductible. In addition, you receive a receipt for your records and access to your annual reports at year-end.

It’s quite easy to change or update your partnership giving information (i.e., credit card or banking information, giving amount, giving frequency, contact information, etc.). You simply call partner care +1-877-877-5585 at Every Nation to make changes.

Also, don’t ever hesitate to contact Mallary and Alvin using the contact information at the top of this page.

Yes, Every Nation has a partnership policy (see below).

Every Nation’s missionaries have the privilege of developing a team of prayer and financial partners to supper them in their ministry assignment. This team approach enables Every Nation to send more missionaries and church planters into the world, and gives each partner personal contact with the ministry of a specific missionary or church planter.

Every Nation has complete control over the use of all donated funds. Since one of our goals is to guarantee the success of future missionaries and church planters, a portion of each dollar raised goes toward ministry growth and providing administrative support for all of our missionaries and church planters.

Yes! Paul says the Lord has commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel (1 Cor 9:14). There are several examples of this being practiced in Scripture such as:

Jesus’ ministry was funded by some of those who heard Him (Luke 8:1–3) and He taught the disciples to rely on others while ministering (Matthew 10:5–15).

Paul asked the Roman church to financially support Phoebe, one of the ministers at Cenchrae (Romans 16:1–2).

Paul himself received support and was grateful for it (Philippians 4:10–20).

And I know you’re likely thinking, But what about Paul’s tent-making days?

Paul did not always support himself by making tents. That was the second‐best option for him. See Acts 18:1–5, where Paul began by making tents and quit as soon as he was in a spot financially able to do so. See 1 Corinthians 9:1–18, where Paul’s whole point is that the Corinthians owed him support. He concludes the letter by telling them that he hopes to stop by and that he hopes they will provide for him to finish his journey in 1 Cor 16:5–6. In Romans 15:20–24, Paul asks a church he has never visited before to fund him on his journey to Spain.

Paul teaches in Galatians 6:6 that Christians are obligated to provide for the needs of ministers.

The apostle John encouraged his friend to support a crew of missionaries in 3 John 5–8.

The whole Levitical system in the Old Testament (the Levites were ministers) is predicated on the financial support of ministers by the rest of God’s people (Numbers 18:21–24 is a representative example).

Then, there was Nehemiah (Nehemiah 13:4–11) for how outraged he was that the Levites had to go earn wages in another fashion.

The church is people! So, by raising partnership the church is paying us…but really?

Raising partnership requires that missionaries and church planters build a network of relationships that gives access to more resources and more people with different perspectives, skills, and giftings. This allows the Gospel message to go further than it ever could by just the missionary or church planter going alone.

Mallary and I are presently developing a team of partners with Every Nation Churches & Ministries to sustain my ministry assignment as Lead Pastor during the initial years of planting Mosaic Church Fort Worth. Once Mosaic Church Fort Worth is self-sustaining to financially support full-time staff, the Lead Pastor’s role, then raising support will shift to ensure we identify and fully fund future missionaries and church planters.

In order to start my ministry assignment as quickly as possible, Mallary and I are trusting the Lord to provide individuals (that’s you!) who will make monthly investments toward our church planting assignment through Every Nation.

Glory be to God… that’s awesome! To directly give online, both recurring or single financial gifts, to Mosaic Church Fort Worth, go here.

If you are giving by check, please make the check payable to Mosaic Church and write Mosaic Church Fort Worth in the memo line. Mail check to Mosaic Church 12116 Jekel Circle Austin, TX 78727.

Again, THANK YOU for your faithfulness and generosity!